Rajasthan Civil Service Rules, 2017 (Pay Matrix)

Pay Structure for Rajasthan State Govt Employees

The Rajasthan Pay Matrix is divided into multiple levels, each representing a structured salary format for employees in various deaprtments or designations.

PayBand PB-1
GradePay 1700 1750 1900 2000 2400 2400 2400 2800 2800 3600 4200 4800 5400 5400 6000 6600 6800 7200 7600 8200 8700 8900 9500 10000
Level L-1 L-2 L-3 L-4 L-5 L-6 L-7 L-8 L-9 L-10 L-11 L-12 L-13 L-14 L-15 L-16 L-17 L-18 L-19 L-20 L-21 L-22 L-23 L-24
GP No. 2 3 4 5 9 9A 9B 10 10A 11 12 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23A 24
1 17700 17900 18200 19200 20800 21500 22400 26300 28700 33800 37800 44300 53100 56100 60700 67300 71000 75300 79900 88900 123100 129700 145800 148800
2 18200 18400 18700 19800 21400 22100 23100 27100 29600 34800 38900 45600 54700 57800 62500 69300 73100 77600 82300 91600 126800 133600 150200 153300
3 18700 19000 19300 20400 22000 22800 23800 27900 30500 35800 40100 47000 56300 59500 64400 71400 75300 79900 84800 94300 130600 137600 154700 157900
4 19300 19600 19900 21000 22700 23500 24500 28700 31400 36900 41300 48400 58000 61300 66300 73500 77600 82300 87300 97100 134500 141700 159300 162600
5 19900 20200 20500 21600 23400 24200 25200 29600 32300 38000 42500 49900 59700 63100 68300 75700 79900 84800 89900 100000 138500 146000 164100 167500
6 20500 20800 21100 22200 24100 24900 26000 30500 33300 39100 43800 51400 61500 65000 70300 78000 82300 87300 92600 103000 142700 150400 169000 172500
7 21100 21400 21700 22900 24800 25600 26800 31400 34300 40300 45100 52900 63300 67000 72400 80300 84800 89900 95400 106100 147000 154900 174100 177700
8 21700 22000 22400 23600 25500 26400 27600 32300 35300 41500 46500 54500 65200 69000 74600 82700 87300 92600 98300 109300 151400 159500 179300 183000
9 22400 22700 23100 24300 26300 27200 28400 33300 36400 42700 47900 56100 67200 71100 76800 85200 89900 95400 101200 112600 155900 164300 184700 188500
10 23100 23400 23800 25000 27100 28000 29300 34300 37500 44000 49300 57800 69200 73200 79100 87800 92600 98300 104200 116000 160600 169200 190200 194200
11 23800 24100 24500 25800 27900 28800 30200 35300 38600 45300 50800 59500 71300 75400 81500 90400 95400 101200 107300 119500 165400 174300 195900 200000
12 24500 24800 25200 26600 28700 29700 31100 36400 39800 46700 52300 61300 73400 77700 83900 93100 98300 104200 110500 123100 170400 179500 201800 206000
13 25200 25500 26000 27400 29600 30600 32000 37500 41000 48100 53900 63100 75600 80000 86400 95900 101200 107300 113800 126800 175500 184900 207900 212200
14 26000 26300 26800 28200 30500 31500 33000 38600 42200 49500 55500 65000 77900 82400 89000 98800 104200 110500 117200 130600 180800 190400 214100 218600
15 26800 27100 27600 29000 31400 32400 34000 39800 43500 51000 57200 67000 80200 84900 91700 101800 107300 113800 120700 134500 186200 196100
16 27600 27900 28400 29900 32300 33400 35000 41000 44800 52500 58900 69000 82600 87400 94500 104900 110500 117200 124300 138500 191800 202000
17 28400 28700 29300 30800 33300 34400 36100 42200 46100 54100 60700 71100 85100 90000 97300 108000 113800 120700 128000 142700 197600 208100
18 29300 29600 30200 31700 34300 35400 37200 43500 47500 55700 62500 73200 87700 92700 100200 111200 117200 124300 131800 147000 203500
19 30200 30500 31100 32700 35300 36500 38300 44800 48900 57400 64400 75400 90300 95500 103200 114500 120700 128000 135800 151400
20 31100 31400 32000 33700 36400 37600 39400 46100 50400 59100 66300 77700 93000 98400 106300 117900 124300 131800 139900 155900
21 32000 32300 33000 34700 37500 38700 40600 47500 51900 60900 68300 80000 95800 101400 109500 121400 128000 135800 144100 160600
22 33000 33300 34000 35700 38600 39900 41800 48900 53500 62700 70300 82400 98700 104400 112800 125000 131800 139900 148400 165400
23 34000 34300 35000 36800 39800 41100 43100 50400 55100 64600 72400 84900 101700 107500 116200 128800 135800 144100 152900 170400
24 35000 35300 36100 37900 41000 42300 44400 51900 56800 66500 74600 87400 104800 110700 119700 132700 139900 148400 157500 175500
25 36100 36400 37200 39000 42200 43600 45700 53500 58500 68500 76800 90000 107900 114000 123300 136700 144100 152900 162200 180800
26 37200 37500 38300 40200 43500 44900 47100 55100 60300 70600 79100 92700 111100 117400 127000 140800 148400 157500 167100 186200
27 38300 38600 39400 41400 44800 46200 48500 56800 62100 72700 81500 95500 114400 120900 130800 145000 152900 162200 172100 191800
28 39400 39800 40600 42600 46100 47600 50000 58500 64000 74900 83900 98400 117800 124500 134700 149400 157500 167100 177300 197600
29 40600 41000 41800 43900 47500 49000 51500 60300 65900 77100 86400 101400 121300 128200 138700 153900 162200 172100 182600 203500
30 41800 42200 43100 45200 48900 50500 53000 62100 67900 79400 89000 104400 124900 132000 142900 158500 167100 177300 188100
31 43100 43500 44400 46600 50400 52000 54600 64000 69900 81800 91700 107500 128600 136000 147200 163300 172100 182600 193700
32 44400 44800 45700 48000 51900 53600 56200 65900 72000 84300 94500 110700 132500 140100 151600 168200 177300 188100 199500
33 45700 46100 47100 49400 53500 55200 57900 67900 74200 86800 97300 114000 136500 144300 156100 173200 182600 193700
34 47100 47500 48500 50900 55100 56900 59600 69900 76400 89400 100200 117400 140600 148600 160800 178400 188100 199500
35 48500 48900 50000 52400 56800 58600 61400 72000 78700 92100 103200 120900 144800 153100 165600 183800 193700
36 50000 50400 51500 54000 58500 60400 63200 74200 81100 94900 106300 124500 149100 157700 170600 189300 199500
37 51500 51900 53000 55600 60300 62200 65100 76400 83500 97700 109500 128200 153600 162400 175700 195000
38 53000 53500 54600 57300 62100 64100 67100 78700 86000 100600 112800 132000 158200 167300 181000
39 54600 55100 56200 59000 64000 66000 69100 81100 88600 103600 116200 136000 162900 172300 186400
40 56200 56800 57900 60800 65900 68000 71200 83500 91300 106700 119700 140100 167800 177500 192000

Pay Matrix

Rajasthan Civil Services Rules, 2017 Pay Matrix is a salary framework implemented for government employees under the Rajasthan State Government. It represents basic pay into levels and indices, where:

  • Levels: Represent pay scales based on employee grade pay (e.g.2400, 3600, 4800, 6600 etc).
  • Indices: Show salary progression within a specific level based on annual increment.

This structure ensures fairness and uniformity while simplifying salary as per 7th pay commission and further increments.


The Pay Matrix is applicable to all Rajasthan government under various employees of state or subordinate services.

Annual Increments are based on the index progression within the employee's pay level.

By unifying various pay scales into a single matrix-

  • It ensures pay fitment after completion of probation period.
  • Easy calculation of salaries and increments across all departments.
  • Improving transparency and efficiency.
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